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Melanie Martinez Pity Party Lyrics Traduction

Happy birthdate to Mel! We should commemorate this spectacular moment with panache. Wishing lots of happiness and excellent spirit her way. May her day be brimming with joy and special moments. Hooray to The birthday of Melanie Martinez!
Time to host a merry celebration for Melanie to recognize this special day. Anticipate a multitude of scrumptious goodies and invigorating drinks to relish. We should cheer to Melanie Martinez birthday as well as each of the joy she brought into our lives. May the future bring about thrilling escapades and limitless achievements for her. Yay to Ms. Martinez's birth anniversary!
On this exceptional occasion, we must deliver a group of heartfelt salutations to Melanie. Here's to the hope her birthday overflow with copious admiration, happiness, and optimism. It's time to celebrate with gusto as we celebrate Melanie Martinez birthday. Toasting an exceptional 12 months ahead for Mel abounding in captivating possibilities and endless bliss. Wishing her an exceedingly blissful birthday!

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