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Email Virginia Commonwealth University

A firm handshake is an important gesture when meeting someone new.Establishing a strong connection through a handshake sets the tone for a positive interaction.An affectionate handshake fosters an immediate connection and symbolizes a shared admiration.Embracing the joining of hands, a handshake brings people closer and bridges the gap.To the Virginia Commonwealth University community, a handshake represents unity and camaraderie.As members of VCU, we extend our hand in friendship, bonded by our shared values.Shaking hands at VCU events exudes warmth and inclusivity.Inscribed with the iconic "handshake VCU," we embody the ethos of teaming up and backing one another.The handshake, imbued with affection for VCU, surpasses conventional politeness and evolves into an embodiment of our close-knit community.

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